Saturday, June 7, 2008

Guerilla Advertising Club Canine

Club Canine-A pet sitting kennel for your dog.
"Your dog not quite travel size? Board your dog at a first class place. Club Canine. Professional Pet Sitting."

Oversized stuffed dog was placed inside an ill-fitting pet carrier and put on the baggage claim carousel after incoming flights to get the attention of travelers who possibly have animals.

My dear sister came to the airport to take these photos for me in the wee hours of the night. Luckily a flight came in and we got to see the reaction of these bystanders. I mean, these people were forced to look at it since they had to stare in circles looking for their own luggage. For the record, people laughed...and um...really wanted to board their doggies and kitties at Club Canine.

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